Motivational Art Journal – Don’t feed the monster

Motivational Art journaling - don't Feed the Monster
Motivational Art journaling – don’t Feed the Monster

I wanted to art journal about the idea that feeding negative energies and thoughts is very counterproductive for any type of personal growth. It’s always better to let things go and not have them fester inside. It could be something traumatic or it could be something more trivial. In both situations, you could continue to think over and over about the feelings you have to the extent that you relive them each time. In essence, for every moment that you stay in the cloud of negativity, you give up a moment of happiness in your life. Overtime, you will feel more unhappy than happy. The choice is simple, change your thoughts and change your reality. Don’t feed that voice or those feelings inside. That doesn’t mean ignore the situation. It just means you deal with it, but don’t dwell on it, because it only affects you.

I had a ‘short’ film in my head when I was working on this that would show the monster getting bigger and more scary, but smaller and gentler if it didn’t eat.

I am also going to turn this into a figurative ceramic version at some point.

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